Futsal209 represents Central Valley At Highest Level of Futsal

For profiles of our Technical Director and coaching staff go to About.

Futsal209 represents Central Valley At Highest Level of Futsal
Building Ballers
WELCOME! Futsal209 is dedicated to revolutionizing player development. Our teaching-centered philosophy, in unison with futsal, will help those in our program take their game to the next level. Our cause is completely focused on athletic and personal development through the sport of futsal.
Futsal209 is not affiliated with any outdoor club. We are the first futsal-only club in the Central Valley. Playing for Futsal209 is meant to complement, not compete with, the training players receive with their outdoor club. We are club neutral which means everyone is welcome.
Futsal209 is the only United Futsal club in the Central Valley and one of only 24 nationwide. This means we can provide an exclusive pathway for players in the Central Valley to the highest level of futsal in the nation.